How we work

We advance our mission by building new initiatives following a strategy designed for experimentation, agility and collaboration. We call this flexible framework to creating impact ‘funded activism’.

Our operational framework is structured around these steps:

  • 1. Understanding & Mapping

    The initial phase of our process entails cultivating a comprehensive understanding of the challenge at hand and charting the landscape of stakeholders. Our approach is driven by our commitment to complement existing efforts and fill gaps in addressing the challenge.

  • 2. Ideation & Solution Design

    Once an opportunity is identified, we seed ideas, crafting new solutions to confront the challenge. At this stage, our assessment of project ideas encompasses evaluation of their potential for systemic impact and scalability. Concurrently, we assemble a dedicated team for the project, drawing upon the diverse strengths of our network. 

  • 3. Piloting & Learning

    We embark on piloting and seed funding the most promising solution. Throughout implementation, we leverage critical competencies to establish sustainable legal, financial, and governance frameworks. Our commitment extends to providing ongoing oversight, support, and resources to facilitate project development. We prioritize regular evaluation to assess project impact, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation.

  • 4. Scaling & Independence

    In collaboration with our extensive partner network, we scale and unlock the full potential of the most impactful projects. Over time, we recognize the importance of enabling projects to attain sustainability and independence. Thus, the final phase of our process involves the strategic branching-off of viable projects that have demonstrated their impact. Our focus in this stage centers on gradually phasing out fiscal dependency and establishing robust, independent governance structures.

Contact us

We operate outside the conventional grantmaking foundation model and, as such, do not consider unsolicited project proposals. Nonetheless, we are open to new ideas and enjoy connecting with people and organizations that share our mission.